Our Story

The Kaptive was formed when a group of like-minded, passionate and client-focused professionals came together to establish a specialty firm to create value and business impact for our clients through digital products, domain expertise and process excellence in the Financial Services industry.

Helmed by a leadership team having more than 2 decades of industry experience, our end objective was to bring speed, flexibility and innovation in operations – a fact which often gets sidelined in larger companies leading to gaps between promised and delivered scenarios.

Our intent is to establish a products and services company which would have a laser sharp customer focus with expertise, integrity and transparency as its core pillars.

Our Areas of Expertise

At The Kaptive, we strive to provide solutions that are tailored to your needs and drive positive change within your business. Leveraging our prior experience of delivering best-in-class products and services, we bring the following areas of expertise for our clients:

  • Setting Up & Scaling Operations in Niche Areas & Surge Projects – Our leadership team brings a collective experience of 50 + years of running large shared service and innovation hubs. We are equipped to set up systems, processes and teams so you can focus on your core business
  • Build Operate Transfer Models (BOT Models) – If you are planning to build a GCC in India, we can partner with you on a BOT model for a reliable head start in establishing your operations
  • Process Transformation, Automation & Optimization – We understand and transform processes through standardization, strategic automation and digitalization while driving committed efficiencies for optimum outcomes
  • Data-led Insights for Operational Excellence – Our analysts equipped in data analytics would help draw actionable insights from your organization’s data to gain a deeper understanding of your business to enable smarter decisions
  • Advisory and Consulting services – Embedding best practices into your business strategy for setting up a shared services hub

How we bring Value to our clients

Our leadership and advisory teams bring 100 + years of cumulative experience in Banking, Analytics and Risk Management domains with a dedicated focus on driving efficiency and effectiveness in managing the risk in operations

We intend to elevate client experience through capital light tech interventions leveraging the power of automation and AI while capitalizing on our start-up DNA to help execute time sensitive projects

Our belief is that a compact future-ready team aligned with our clients’ standards and closely integrated with their business priorities is a faster way to help them achieve their business objectives

We are committed to partnering with our clients in overcoming their most critical challenges such as in the areas of financial crime and risk management. We intend to achieve these objectives by focusing beyond transactions to build strategic and long-term relationships

How we work

We are excited to share with you the kind of company which we are building here at The Kaptive which we believe you will appreciate. We stand for a client & people centric approach, delivered with agility and transparency and an unwavering commitment to quality.

Innovative Products and Solutions​

We are passionate about creating innovative Products and Services to drive impactful change within your business. Our extensive domain expertise coupled with leadership equity and a transparent approach enable us to deliver exceptional results to exceed your expectations.​

Quality Focus - Our Core Philosophy ​

The Kaptive advocates the vision of being deeply relevant to our select set of customers in the Risk Management space. Our aim to create a boutique firm which adds immense value to our customers with a high-trust relationship.​

Clients & People First Approach​

As a company, we put our clients and our people first and are building an exciting start up culture with Openness and transparency in operations while fostering trust amongst clients and colleagues.​

Excellence and Integrity​

As a start-up organization, we actively stand for Excellence and Integrity but with a human touch. We’re building this with fundamental values of trust, openness, collaboration, and inclusion. Every decision, big or small, is filtered through these core beliefs​